: Hello everyone, we are today with Cowtard who is Copenhagen Wolves' midlaner. First of all, thanks you for answering our questions. Could you please make a brief recap of who you are for our readers ?

CowTard : I am cowtard,I am the former midlaner of copenhagen wolves, I stepped down because of personal reasons a few weeks back.


Copenhagen Wolves had a bad split, how do you explain it  ?

There is several different reasons, one of the biggest ones was adapting to new players both in the start of the split and after when I stepped down as well.


Besides that we saw you every week trying to get victories to get out this bad series it was a good demonstration of how a team should react even if it is hard for them. How do you keep your spirits up? 

It's about motivation, about knowing that you can more than youre showing which means that you want to show your true potential.


What is actually your place in the team, will you be the midlaner or a sub for the Up and Down?

Im not sure how exactly it will work out, but it looks like I won't be playing the relegation



How will you train for the Up and Down? Is it more about practising and finding new strategies or about analyzing your mistakes and trying to avoid doing it in the future  ?

Since I'm not playing at the moment I'm not sure how the training will proceed, most likely very intense training at least.


Is there a team that you really want to avoid for the Up and Down?

I'm personally not watching enough the Challenger Series to know exactly how strong the enemies are but I believe the rest of the team has a general idea.


Every pro players has a best memory during a competition, what is yours  ?

Cant say I have a specific memory etched, I guess the crowd in london was really impressive.


Many proplayers moved to NA so we could expect that the same thing will happen in Europe, China and Korea. If you had to move to play with a new team, where do you want to go and why  ?

No we couldn't, the only reason would be if the scene grows in other areas than NA. I guess I would like NA if I moved, because of the huge fanbase.


Will we see a chinese or Korean team in the LCS EU like LMQ in the NA  ?

Its possible but I doubt it, they have no big reasons to move to EU scene.


What do you think about this? Will League of Legends follow the path of Starcraft which will make that all the top teams in every locations would have some Korean?

I dont think we will but it's not impossible. Other scenes are strong enough to compete (at least yet) even if the Korean scene is stronger.


Now it's time for the good old question, is Korea too strong for this world  ? What do EU and NA's teams miss to win against Korean's team  ?

I believe they are the strongest but not unbeatable. EU and NA's teams probably have to practise against them to be able to play their game or come up with strategies the koreans can't handle.


What about Chinese teams  ? Could they win World Series  ?

I think the chinese have a different but also very strong gameplay from the korean, they may very well be able to win World Series with their huge aggressions.


Which EU's team will go to world? How far can they go?

Fnatic and Alliance most likely, third one is hard to say. I don't believe they will beat the koreans or chinese unfortunaly, but they might handle the NA at least.


According to you which team is the best actually in the world     ?

I did not watch enough of the other regions scenes to know.



Everyone needs a source of inspiration, who are the players that inspire you actually  ?

There is no one really.


What do you think about the midlane right now? During season 3 it was more about picking assassins midlane but today we saw players playing champions who are more farm oriented. How do you explain it  ? Is it because the junglers are stronger than they used to be  ?

Its way more balanced right now, the assasins are playable even if the safer laners are prefered. Its more about snowballing not being 100% effective, and if you're picking an assassin you need to be able to either pick someone of, be able to teamfight or be able to split it out all of which is counterable right now.


Talking about the current meta, what will you change if you can? What is boring you the most in this meta? 

Im not sure, more variaty in champions would be fun.


Gragas was the champion you played the most during Sping Split. What do you think about his rework  ?

He's pushed to the toplane right now, I suppose he's playable mid right now but other champions have higher priority in my opinion.


Which champion is your favorite and why?

Mordekaiser, and I'm not sure why, it's something about the champion that appeals to me.


How do you see League of Legends' future?  Some people are complaining that the game is getting more and more casual and other complains that there is too much champions which make the game too difficult  for a beginner to get all the characters, what's your point of view  ?

I can agree that more champions make it harder for new players to get to know the game but I dont believe its getting more casual. It's sticking to the same format it did before. And I'm not sure how long lived league of legends will be, hopefully a few more years!


Could you imagine the coolest team's composition for a showmatch? You don't have to respect the meta of course.

Something with Mordekaiser Yorick and Zilean? Get those 6v4 with respawns in your team!


Who is the stronger between bots of doom and Korean? 

Korean hands down.


Thank you very much for answering our questions Cowtard. But before leaving us, do you have something to say to the community ?

Thank you all for watching games and cheering for the teams and players !